
    Tata Movus

    10 years ago | Govind

    User Review on Tata Movus

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    Few hundred kilometers

    Exterior Has drastically failed to bring change or improvement.  Not even looks much changed. Can easily identify a Sumo in this which reminds the discomforts as well. 

    Interior (Features, Space & Comfort) Basic interiors,  nothing commendable. Space is the biggest drawback. Tata has failed the common  man once again. Middle seat leg space equal opportunities nil, even children were complaining about lack of space. Because of that comfort is also compromised. Not suitable for long trips as in the case of Sumo, back pain is a complementary gift from Tata along with Movus. Suspension is too bad that once on sudden braking the person at the rear end seat reached the middle seat half hanging while steep jerk was felt to the spine of the travellers which everyone mentioned. 

    Engine Performance, Fuel Economy and Gearbox Engine is good as in the case if Sumo may be a slight better but hardly felt the distinction. Driver was not much appreciative about the mileage, but Gearbox seemed to be fine if not better. But advice will be not set any expectations.

    Ride Quality & Handling All advantages and disadvantages of the Sumo is present, no efforts visible to make improvements.  Handling should have been perfected but seems has been ignored may be due to nothing Tata engineering can find to perfect this. 

    Final Words Just an old wine in a new bottle, only difference is wine gets better but vehicles not always as in this case.

    Areas of improvement Comfort, seating, suspension, will be areas to start with on improvements.

    The same power of Tata Sumo and maneuverabilityNot much improvement from Sumo eventhough claiming to be advanced. Not enough leg space.
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