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Know your rights

Rahul Sharma, 01-Sep-2010

Part 1

Know your rights

Read on to find out what documents are absolutely essential, and which need to be produced within a specified period of time after being asked by the traffic police for the same

We all know that driving without proper papers can get us into trouble with the police. Most of us quietly pay a fine, or a bribe, if one of our documents is missing. But next time think before you pay.


One must get a PUC certificate issued every three months in Delhi and 6 months in most other states

Even though one should always carry the car's registration papers, PUC (only for cars more than a year old), insurance papers and one's driving licence, according to the law you cannot be penalised on spot for not having the insurance and PUC. The law now also states that no policeman can stop you randomly to check your car's papers or your driving licence. However they can stop you if you've committed a violation and demand to see all the mandatory papers.


Remember though that when stopped for a violation the penalty must be limited to the violation. So if you're caught running a red light the cop can only fine you for running the red light, not for the missing PUC or insurance papers. If you have been fined in excess of your violation you can file a written complaint to higher police officials. If no action has been taken in a week then you can file an Right to Information (RTI) petition to find out why. For missing insurance papers the policeman on duty has to issue you a notice, which allows a 15-day grace period for you to purchase insurance cover for your car. Once you've bought insurance for your car you need to present them at the concerned police station (you can find out which police station from the policeman on duty) within the stipulated 15 days, to get the charges annulled.

For a missing PUC, the procedure remains the same. However the grace period is one week. In either of the above two cases if you fail to present the documents in the stipulated time, only then can you be penalised. You must also remember that while keeping photocopies of insurance papers is fine, you have to carry your original driving licence. A photostat copy, even if stamped by a Station House Officer (SHO), is not enough.


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