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Buying car insurance online can save up to 17.5%

CarWale Team , 27-Aug-2012

1 Page

Gone are the days when car insurance solutions were only provided by agents and dealers. The new-age, tech-savvy internet users now prefer hassle-free, quick and instant policy purchase online. Besides convenience what makes online insurance purchase more attractive is the savings that it brings along. Many smart new car purchasers have discovered that it probably becomes cheaper to buy insurance online than through the car dealer.

Some tips that will help you buy insurance online:

  • In case of an existing vehicle, keep your RC and previous policy papers handy to fill details, apart from your debit/credit card for online payment. In case of a new car, after booking the vehicle, obtain details like engine number and chassis number, etc. for purchasing an online policy.
  • Ensure that correct details are filled so that there is no problem at the time of claim.
  • In case of break in insurance, remember to get the inspection done before proceeding with the payment.
  • Ensure that you claim appropriate discounts applicable like No Claim Bonus (NCB), which is passed on from your previous insurer.
  • Apart from NCB, attractive offers are available for providing additional information (like occupation, educational background, driving experience, etc.) of the car user.
  • Choose add-on covers to ensure that a customized need based solution for your vehicle is put together. Personal accident cover for co-passengers, cover for accessories, accidental hospitalization are nowadays easily available for a negligible increase in premium.
  • Check for special built in covers or inclusions in the policy that makes your insurance cover more comprehensive! From flat tyres to hotel accommodation (in case of a breakdown occurring when you are out of station) is taken care of by the insurance provider.




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