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Time to bin the tyres?

Arup Das, 15-Apr-2011

Part 1

Duration of tyres depend on driving style, hard braking, speed and weather conditions.

Ever wonder when to replace your worn car tyres? The performance of your car tyres is critical to the safety, performance and efficiency of your vehicle. Most tyres are designed to provide similar performance throughout their lives. However, at some point they start to lose performance in terms of their traction and braking ability. It doesn’t matter when the tyres were made. Tyres age even when not used, or if only used occasionally. There are many factors that will affect the life of the tyre such as temperature, maintenance, conditions of storage and use, load, speed, pressure as well as your driving style.

One sign that your tyres need changing is when there is deterioration in handling or gripping the road as or it takes longer to stop when you apply the brakes. Tread depth or a bald tyre isn’t the only factor to consider when deciding whether to replace your tyres. It also contains moisture and oils that help keep them supple and assist in dispersing heat. As a tyre ages it loses its flexibility because the oils evaporate. Check monthly or so to ensure that your car's tyres are adequately inflated and aren't showing any signs of aging, such as cracking in the sidewalls. Abnormal uneven tyre wear in patches, in the centre, at the edges may indicate a mechanical problem like improper wheel alignment, or a problem with wheel balance, suspension or transmission. It could also be that you’re driving with the wrong tyre pressure. To prevent this abnormal wear have the wheels aligned and balanced by a reputed tyre specialist.


Technical analysis

  • If all this sounds too complicated then let technology do your bidding. TAC-Scan (Tread Analysis Condition Scanner – a tool for diagnosing tyre tread) suggests whether to change tyres or not. It analyses the tread depth and tread wear patterns on car tyres. Currently this facility is only available at Siremull Hirachand in Chennai.



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