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All about fuel efficiency

Abhishek Saksena, 01-Jul-2010

Part 1

All about fuel efficiency

Average kya hai? is a common question. Here's how to answer it

We’re pretty sure you have been asked this question a number of times, especially if you happen to own a small car. After all it’s the best fuel efficiency most motorists in our country strive for.

Do it right

Do it right

To attain good fuel efficiency from your car you need to keep a few things in mind. Shift to a higher gear as soon as possible but make sure you aren’t lugging the engine in the process. Reach the highest gear and stick to lowest revs possible. Keep tyres infl ated at recommended pressure levels. Switch off the engine at red lights to avoid wasteful idling.


Measure it up

To measure the exact fuel economy of your car the first thing to do is brim it next time you fuel it up. Even after the filler goes ‘click’ there is scope for fuel to be filled so fill up the tank to the brim. Note down the odometer reading and ‘zero’ the trip meter if your car is equipped with it. Now drive as you usually do. When the fuel needle points to half a tank or thereabouts, fill it up again. Tank up at the same filling station and if possible at the same dispenser to keep errors to a minimum. Tank it up like before and note down the odometer reading and the trip reading. Also note the amount of fuel you filled. Now divide the trip reading (or the difference of odometer readings) with the fuel reading to get the true fuel efficiency of your car.

Something wrong

If in spite of being your fuel efficient best you still are not able to get the best efficiency, there maybe something wrong with the car. Regularly servicing the car is a good practice and all authorised service centres have a mileage bound check list of items to be serviced. If the fuel injector is clogged, it will not only lead to poor performance but also lower fuel efficiency because of its inability to deliver the correct amount of fuel. Also clean the air filter regularly and replace it timely as well. If the engine doesn’t get enough air, it will not burn fuel as efficiently and you will end up using more fuel. Also keep in mind that dirty, worn out spark plugs too can rob you of fuel efficiency. Always replace the spark plugs as recommended by the manufacturer.


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