
    0 Used Maruti Suzuki Wagon R Cars in Kasaragod

    There are 0 used Maruti Suzuki Wagon R cars available in Kasaragod. You can check out new Maruti Suzuki Wagon R to compare all the features and the latest price.
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  • FAQ's

    • How many direct owner used Maruti Suzuki Wagon R cars are available in Kasaragod?

      14 direct owner used Maruti Suzuki Wagon R cars are available in Kasaragod.
    • What are the popular second hand car models in Kasaragod?

      E-Class, C-Class, GLC, Alto 800, S-Class, Swift, Discovery Sport, 5-Series, 7-Series, A4 are the popular second hand car models in Kasaragod.
    • What are the popular cities to buy second hand cars?

      Popular cities in India to buy a second hand car are - Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune, Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kolkata.
    • What is the price of a new Maruti Suzuki Wagon R?

      Maruti Suzuki Wagon R price starts from Rs. 6.61 Lakh.