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Crash course

Rahul Sharma, 01-Jun-2011

Part 1

Crash course

So you've had an accident. But there's no need to panic. All you need to do is follow AUTO BILD INDIA's flow chart for proper accident management

A recent survey by World Health Organisation (WHO) has found that there have over 130,000 road deaths annually in India. With this figure, it has overtaken China to become the nation with the worst road traffic accident rate worldwide. The reason for such an abysmal record is of course our sheer disregard for all traffic rules and discipline. So one would expect that we would all be past masters of dealing with accidents, given the frequency with which they happen on our roads. And that's where the surprise is.

In most parts of India the way to deal with an accident is to ascertain which one of the people involved is the "guilty" party and then meting out mob justice (read: a good beating) to that poor sod. Indeed a majority of people don't even know what they should do in an accident. But we have here a definitive guideline so that you know exactly what to do in the event of a crash.

Part 2

Note down the other car's registration number and get the contact details and name of the other person (left). If he is injured administer first aid

  • If your car has hit someone, do not run away. Halt your vehicle and help the injured, else this could go against you even if it wasn’t your fault.
  • If the person has minor injuries use the first aid kit from your car to cover the wounds and stop any bleeding.
  • If the injury is serious, then rush the person immediately to the closest government or private hospital.
  • At the government hospital, you will have to give your name, address and other relevant information of the accident to the duty constable stationed at the casualty department. Once you have done that, you will have to wait in the hospital till the on duty offi cer from the police station arrives.


In case you're carrying a camera take photos of the accident before moving the cars. Most mobile phones have cameras so you can use them as well


Know the car


  • If first aid or medical treatment cannot be given to the injured at the place of the accident since you are surrounded by a mob, then you must report this incident immediately to the nearest police station.
  • As soon as you've tended to the person in need of help, note down the number of the other vehicle and the names and contact details of witnesses. If possible take pictures of damages caused to the cars.
  • Contact your insurance agent to claim insurance, because in some states in India, an insurance surveyor has to visit the accident spot.
  • Register an FIR at the nearest police station in case of property loss or bodily injury or major damage.



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