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Tips to Increase Your Car's Life

Ridhima Ahluwalia, 15-Oct-2010

Tips 1-5

Tips to increase your car's life

Repairs can cost a pretty penny. Stick to these basic maintenance tips and save some

A visit to the workshop can be an expensive affair. But often these expenses can be avoided by following some simple and economical car care and maintenance tips.

You don’t have to be an expert to make sure your car runs smoothly and safely. For most of us, our car is just like our baby. You drive your car everyday and no one knows your car better than you do. If you feel something is wrong or there is a problem, it’s always best to find out its cause before it becomes a larger issue. Maintaining the car not only increases the life of the car but also its resale value when you plan to sell your car.

Car maintenance is easier than you might think. Follow our 15 simple tips to keep your vehicle in top shape.

1. Keep it polished

Keep it polished

Sunlight, insect remains and bird droppings damage the lustre of the paint. Applying wax polish protects the paint of your car.

Problem Moisture in cavities can lead to rusting of the body

Remedy Apply wax two to three times every year


2. Protect the front

Protect the front

If you drive a lot on the highways, insects splattered on the front end and small stones flung up by cars ahead might damage the grille and the bumper. Apply a layer of transparent tape before you embark on a road trip to prevent such damage.

Problem Insects and small stones might damage the front

Remedy Apply a layer of transparent tape on the front


3. Care for plastics

Care for plastics

Plastics and other synthetic materials can wear out when exposed. Apply specific plastic/synthetic care products on them. Remember however that the wrong product might cause even more damage. So read the label carefully when choosing the product.

Problem Exposure to elements can make the plastic/synthetics brittle

Remedy Apply plastic/synthetic care products regularly


4. Regular car wash

Regular car wash

Use a high pressure jet to wash out dirt from hidden corners of the car. Also, take it to a professional car wash once in a while, if possible.

Problem Accumulated dirt can cause rusting

Remedy Clean the car with a high pressure washer


5. Seal the holes and cavities

All cars have holes and cavities in the body structure for various purposes. Sealing them by applying grease or wax will ensure that no water gets inside and causes rusting on the inside.

Problem Moisture in cavities can lead to rusting of the body

Remedy Seal all cavities with grease or wax


Tips 6-10

6. Check the engine oil

Check the engine oil

Insufficient lubrication can damage the engine. Check the engine oil level regularly and keep it topped up.

Problem Lack of engine oil can damage the engine

Remedy Check oil level every 14 days


7. Check tyre pressure

Check tyre pressure

Wrong inflation can lead to increased possibility of blow outs, low fuel efficiency, lack of grip, uneven tyre wear, low water displacing ability and more. Check the tyre pressure regularly.

Problem Wrong inflation can cause myriad problems, all avoidable

Remedy Check them regularly and keep them at recommended inflation. You can raise the pressure by 3psi for fuel efficiency without affecting the tyres


8. AC system check-up

AC system check-up

Around ten per cent of freezing agent disappears every year from the AC system. The blower too wears out and should be changed every three years.

Problem Neglect can lead to compressor damage

Remedy Get the AC checked every three years


9. Avoid maintenance backlog

Avoid maintenance backlog

A missed service could lead to a dirty filter or a wonr out timing belt. This, in turn, will mean more fuel consumption. Ensure that the car is being serviced at the manufacturer specified intervals to keep it healthy and to give it a longer life.

Problem A maintenance backlog could result in serious damage

Remedy Get the car serviced at the specified interval



10. Change the drive belt/timing belt

If the drive belt/timing belt breaks before the manufacturer recommended change the manufacturer should replace it. However to keep things problem free, check the belts regularly and get them replaced if they are worn.

Problem If the drive/timing belt tears it can damage the engine

Remedy Check regularly and change at the recommended interval


Tips 10-15

11. Avoid short distances

Avoid short distances

Short trips, especially after a cold start, are hard on engines. Short trips can also shorten the life of your muffler. So, avoid taking the car out for short distances, as much as possible.

Problem Fuel and water accumulate in the engine oil

Remedy Avoid short trips and shorten oil change intervals



12. Change gears smoothly

Change gears smoothly

Change gears as smoothly as possible. Also, avoid resting the left foot on the clutch since this can lead to a damaged clutch plate.

Problem Worn out clutch and gear

Remedy Change gears smoothly. After shifting, take the left foot off the clutch pedal


13. Be careful of the pavement

Be careful of the pavement

Driving too close to the pavement can scratch the wheel or wear out the outer surface of the tyre, leading to an increased possibility of a tyre blow out or puncture.

Problem Rubbing against kerbs damages wheels

Remedy Avoid going too close to the pavement


14. Warm the engine

Accelerating immediately after a cold start can damage the engine. Ideally, water should be at 90 degrees Celsius and oil at 75. So, keep the engine idling for a while and warm it up before you start driving.

Problem A cold engine could lead to higher wear and tear

Remedy Warm the car up or drive slowly for the first few kilometres

15. Say 'no' to traffic light drags

Avoid traffic light drags. The heavy acceleration followed by hard braking puts excess strain on the engine, gearbox and brakes.

Problem High wear and tear of the drive train

Remedy Look ahead to spot hazards early on, pace yourself and drive smoothly. This can even lead to increased fuel efficiency


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