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Have A Trouble Free Road Trip

रिधिमा आहलुवालिया, 15-Jun-2011

Tips 1-4

Have A Trouble Free Road Trip

Correct preparation of your car for a trip is very essential. AUTO BILD INDIA tells you how to have a troublefree road trip

Bags packed, favourite music loaded in your MP3 player, adequate munchies, water and juices stowed away in the car. Think you’re ready to hit the road and drive away to that long awaited holiday? Think again.

While you might be completely in the mood for a break, is your car up to the task that lies ahead? Or have you neglected some basic automotive maintenance issues? In reality there are a good number of things to check before you drive off your vehicle. After all, the last thing one needs, or wants, is a breakdown in the middle of nowhere spoiling your holiday plans as well as your mood.

We therefore recommend that you follow our flowchart to find out whether your car is in good enough shape to head out for that long drive to your holiday destination.

1. Oil level

Oil level

If the oil level warning light flashes, it is already too late for damage control and you should abort the trip. So, it’s best to check the oil level before starting on the journey. The owner’s manual will give the recommended the grade and classification of oil.


2. Coolant & wiper fluid

Coolant & wiper fluid

Lack of coolant and subsequent overheating will burn out the heat gasket. So ensuring the optimum coolant level is important, especially in climates like ours. Top up wiper fluid too, as dirty windshields reduce visibility.


3. Tyre pressure

Tyre pressure

Check the tyres carefully, including the spare. Uneven wear could indicate alignment, suspension or wheel balancing problems. While higher than recommended tyre pressures will increase chances of a blowout, less pressure will increase tyre wear.


4. Lights


An all round-check is compulsory, including indicators, brake lights and reversing lights. Also make sure that the headlamps are clean since a dirty headlamp would limit your ability to see in the dark.


Tips 5-10

Hoses and belts

Check the condition of drive belts and hoses. If they are cracked or worn, they should be replaced.


Make sure the brake fluid is between minimum and maximum level. To continue with a fluid level under minimum would be downright stupid


Adjust vacation dates so you don't miss out on a regular service.


An all round-check is compulsory, including indicators, brake lights and reversing lights. Also make sure that the headlamps are clean since a dirty headlamp would limit your ability to see in the dark.


Unless your battery is “maintenance free”, check the electrolyte level of the battery before starting off.

Emergency kit

Carry an emergency kit for unforeseen troubles. A basic emergency kit should include a flashlight, tyre gauge, a jack, wheel wrench and first aid kit

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