
    Verna CRDi SX ABS - Feedback after 3 months of use

    16 साल पहले | Sachin Gupta

    User Review on हुंडई वर्ना [2011-2015] वीजीटी सीआरडीआई एसएक्स एबीएस

    विस्तृत रिव्यू:
    रेटिंग मानदंड
    (5 में से)








    फ़्यूल इकॉनमी


    पैसा वसूल



    Hi! Friends,


    I own a Maruti ZEN and wanted to buy another car in sedan segment.  After a lot of research for my favorite cars between Honda City, Ford Fiesta, Maruti Suzuki SX4 & Verna, I finally zeroed down to Hyundai Verna CRDi SX with ABS.


    My budget was about some 7-8 Lacs and my average mileage is about 75-80 Kms. Per day. Story goes starting with test drives and the first one was Honda City as mentioned above, I found it to be not value for money, although a great car, then came Ford Fiesta, few of my friends own this car but all were very disappointed with the availability of parts, costs of the parts, time taken for repairs and over all and that after sale service is extremely bad. Then I went to Maruti Suzuki Dealer where I test drove a SX4, it was really a great experience and felt like driving a real man (as they say), the ground clearance, pick-up, silent cabin, alloy wheels, and everything a person should expect from this segment. The only draw back was the bad fuel mileage.


    Then was the time to consider a SX4 (Petrol) with Hyundai Verna (Diesel), the test drive was great, I took the highway and turned the Speedo to about 115 kms/hr, it was still smooth, in my total control, less noisy, & comfortable. The Air Conditioning was also great in the afternoon. Mind blowing turbocharger!!! A very refined engine. Boot space is good; Braking is wonderful even on high speeds.


    The only point then was finances as the car (Top-End) was costing little over 9 Lacs. I finally ironed out and booked the Hyundai Verna CRDi SX w/ ABS, and am a proud owner of my decision now.


    I only feel that as per the cost of this diesel vehicle; extra features like Alloy Wheels, better music System with at least 3 CD changer and a remote, refinement in interiors (Styling could have been somewhat like Honda CITY), Leather Option, Air Bags (Driver & Co-Passenger), Follow-me-home (Like TATA Safari 2.2 Dicor VTT), Improved headlamps, Rear Wash Wiper, 3 step door opening system with special door hinge (like in Fiat Palio) should have been included to make it a complete package of True Value for Money Car. Other wise people; don’t take time to decide I still vouch for Hyundai Verna (Diesel) if your average running is above 50 km per day.


    Please be aware of few things like this car lacks power on low rpm & In hilly region, beware of riding in low speed or low gear.  Even in 1st gear, the car threatens to stall if the terrain in steep.  Should start to run only on 1st or 2nd gear in hilly region with maintaining at least 15kmph power to avoid stalling of the car.  If by any chance, the car stalls in hilly region, one should use the clutch to gain power and be done with it. In other roads, there are absolutely no problems.

    Pick-Up, Silent in Cabin, Air Conditioning, Brakes, Turning RadiusAverage Interiors, Poor Rear View Mirror Vision, Bad Feul Economy, Poor Rear Seat Comforts
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