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Car Care

  • Budget and Premium Tyres

    CarWale Team , 07-Mar-2013

    As with any other commodity, there is a wide variety of tyres available in the market. Which one should you get for your vehicle, though? Does a more expensive tyre mean better performance? Most importantly, what is the point at which an expensive tyre becomes an overkill for your vehicle?
  • The Critical Role Played by Tyres

    CarWale Team , 07-Mar-2013

    Tyres arent very easy to understand all of them are black and round, and some cars have bigger ones than others. Whats the big deal about them? For one thing, your tyres are your cars only contact with the road.
  • Seasonal Tyres

    CarWale Team , 07-Mar-2013

    With tyre technology progressing as far as it has, it isnt a surprise that specialised tyres are easily available to the common man. You can choose from a smorgasbord of tyres; whether it is rock crawling or high-performance track duty you need, there exists a tyre for you.
  • Buying new tyres

    CarWale Team , 07-Mar-2013

    The tyres is the only contact point between your vehicle and the road. So all the efforts in accelerating, braking and steering will give desired results, only if the vehicle has a good set of tyres.
  • Get the best from your car's tyres

    , 15-Apr-2012

    Here's a quick guide on how to care for your tyres to keep them in perfect condition.
  • All about alloys

    , 01-Oct-2011

    An alloy wheel can change the way your car looks. We help you choose wisely to improve your car's performance.
  • Time to bin the tyres?

    , 15-Apr-2011

    Duration of tyres depend on driving style, hard braking, speed and weather conditions.
  • For your tyres only

    , 15-Sep-2010

    We tell you the pros and cons of filling your car's tyres with nitrogen
  • Tyre Maintenance Tips

    , 23-Nov-2008

    Here are some tips to keep your car tyres in good shape over a long period of time

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